23 Apr Knowing When & How To Seed Your Lawn
This Is A Tricky Procedure That Must Be Handled Properly
Spring has sprung, and it’s a time of renewal for everything, from our minds to our bodies, from our landscaping to our lawns.
Especially our lawns.
As you take a walk around your property this time of year, you’ll see the spring bulbs popping, the forsythia’s blooming, the trees budding.
And your lawn, while beginning to show new growth, is no doubt showing the effects of a particularly harsh winter like the one we just experienced.
“This past winter was very rough on lawns in this area,” said Ralph Dinizo, President of Truesdale Nursery & Landscape Services of Berkeley Heights, N.J., one of the state’s premier lawn care specialists. “It was one of the coldest and snowiest winters on record, and because of this, we’re seeing many lawns in need of more attention this spring than usual.”
But fortunately, lawn growth can be controlled better than any other area of your landscaping, and this begins with proper reseeding. While fertilizing and pest control measures are also quite important, they can’t happen if you don’t have a full lawn bed to begin with. And while proper mowing and watering is also essential, “seeding a lawn is probably one of the most misunderstood aspects of proper turf maintenance,” stressed Dinizo.
Why Reseed?
First, you need to assess the need for new lawn seeding before you proceed. Spots smaller than a salad plate, for example, will generally fill-in, assuming the lawn receives the recommended fertilization application that type of grass requires. But larger areas will need lawn repair.
Spring Vs. Fall
While fall is most commonly the best time to seed, spring reseeding is essential after a rougher than normal winter, as they lawn has been damaged. Which is why so many lawns in this area are now in need of reseeding. And pay close attention to shady areas of your lawn, being sure to reseed before the leaves open up for the season to allow sunlight to penetrate to the seeded area.
What Kind Of Seed?
Buy a cheap grass seed, and your lawn is going to look cheap and patchy. What’s really best is to consult with a reputable lawn care professional to match the best seed to your existing lawn. By year’s end, this is going to cost you less money, guaranteed.
How Much Seed?
Too much seed — not too little — is the most common reason reseeding may not take. One pound of seed may not seem like much, but that amount can contain more than one million seeds! When too much seed is placed in a small area, the competition for space is intense. Seeds growing too close can cause seedling blights, which can kill a newly seeded area overnight. Using a spreader with the proper settings is crucial, and again, this is something your lawn care professional can provide answers or help with.
Preparing The Area
Remove the dead grass by raking it, and break up the ground a bit to loosen it. This will provide for ideal growth conditions. You may also want to add some bagged topsoil on the spot before seeding a lawn, but this can also add unknown weed seeds into the area. Larger areas may require equipment like a slit-seeder, core aerator, power rake, or rototiller, and at this point it’s best (and cheaper in the long run) to hire a lawn service to do the work.
Watering & Mowing
Keep the seeded areas moist for 14 to 21 days to ensure good germination. Mornings or early afternoons are best. Light, frequent watering is better than infrequent, heavy watering. Mow as you normally would. This will not hurt the new growth (but keep foot traffic to a minimum). Continue the watering methods mentioned above through 2-3 mowing cycles, then reduce to the usual watering schedule from there. Long story short, while Dinizo is quick to provide straightforward do-it-yourself advice in the areas of gardening and other landscaping, when it comes to reseeding, “it’s really best to have it handled by a lawn care professional. “This is too tricky of a project to get wrong, as your lawn is the dominant part of your landscaping,” concluded Dinizo.
Where Do I Get Help If I Need It?
There are a multitude of resources on the Internet. And of course your local lawn care professional is just a phone call away. Truesdale is here to help. Contact us today.